Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Beyonce-Broken Hearted Girl

Beyonce- Broken-hearted girl
Music video- The story being told in this video, is Beyonce being a girl who is in love with someone who is not as committed as she is too the relationship. The video is shot on an isolated beach were only her and a man (partner) is. It is also in black and white, creating a serious and sad feeling. She is wearing a black dress unlike him who wears white, this directs all the attention to her and how she is the one feeling the pain unlike him. So the black and white effect creates a plain yet very emotional feeling. The lyrics and her voice just add to the emotional sad effect which is meant to be created. The structure of the video is narrative based mainly and so is telling you a story but also just showing you the relationship between both her and the guy. It is structured this way as the song has a narrative behind it. The mise-en-scene of the video is set on a deserted/isolated beach with only her and the guy, it appears very basic with simple clothing. She wears a black plain dress and he wears white shirt and shorts, again creating a simple effect in the video. It gives of a plain black and white effect, also that they could be meant for each other as they go. The shots are effective to show emotion, a close up off her face crying. The it includes long distance shots of her and the man in the video showing them together happy showing why she is still waiting for him. The edits are straight cuts from each image. Special effects are used, it rewinds time, when she pulls of the petals of a flower, Also has a symmetrical scene which is effective. I believe that the video was such a success as it is very simplistic, and gets the story across to the audience. The simplicity makes it effective and interesting to watch. The artist Beyonce is already famous and so the video would have already been expected to be good. The target audience of the video is mainly teenagers and young adults aging around 13-30. It will mainly relate to female viewers as it is about love from a girls perspective.
Cd cover
The cover relates to the cd cover and video again as it is black and white as the same of the rest of the songs on the album, the colours seem to contradict themselves, black symbolising sexy, mysterious whereas white symbolises purity and innocence . She is naked but covered with her arms, showing her vulnerability and innocence but yet in some ways conservative. This targets a female audience as they can relate to her in this picture. It is simple, and so the simplicity makes it effective. She is the main key in this cd cover that everyone looks at.

The advert relates to the video, it is in black and white which gives a good effect as it relates to the song and video, as well as the same meanings as the CD cover however she appears act more on the black meaning of sexy and mysterious rather than the CD cover acting on the meaning of white, innocence and purity. Beyonce is the main centre image on the cover and so she stands out, again all the attention is on her. The title is in traditional block writing and again stands out, its style is very Broadway/movie font style and very effective for the song.

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