Friday, 14 May 2010

Rough Cut and Evaluation

Evaluation of rough cut

When the rough cut of the music video was finished we asked the class to give some feedback on what they thought of it and any ideas on how to improve it. A lot of the feedback was positive stating that they liked the storyline and the way me changed ‘the past’ in black and white. Also, the range of performance were positively remarked on i.e. close ups, long shots, focusing on certain band members etc. However it was stated that one or two of the performance shots may be too long, and that a few more narrative parts should be put in.

It was commented on that the lip synching was almost perfect apart from one part, which was obviously something that would have to be solved. Blank spaces were also an issue, therefore when perfecting, it was mandatory that they were filled. As the rough cut featured very little edits, it was suggested that some ‘experimenting’ could be done with the editing.

A shot were everyone seemed to like were the two or three shots of the city as they said it links perfectly with the line ‘crossed the world’. People also liked the few ‘overlapped’ shots as they were quite creative. Shots were also taken and fast edited together to portray the sense of waiting which was said to be effective.

Another area that was said needed to be improved was the fact that when the camera zoomed in, it was shaking therefore looked unprofessional.

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